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Featured Highlight Listing

These items are selected from various sections of the site and have been tagged by the Urban Forestry South team as being important or noteworthy.

An Urban Tree Canopy QAQC Process
Urban tree canopy (UTC) classification workflow for a QA/QC review. read more...
Green Infrastructure: Abstracts from Low Impact Development 2010
Presentation titles and abstracts from the 2010 conference: Redefining Water in The City, Proceedings of the 2010 International Low Impact Development Conference (San Francisco, California) read more...
Current Resources for Urban Tree Canopy Accuracy Assessment
Lists most recent accuracy assessment discussions.
Urban Tree Canopy and Disaster Mitigation
A one page factsheet that provides an overview of UTC assessments and uses and a more detailed discussion of using UTC for disaster planning and mitigation in your local community. read more...
Arborists and Disaster Preparedness - The Professional's Role
A presentation to the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of ISA in Blackburg, Virginia; October 7, 2014.
Data Resources to Support Disaster Planning, Response, and Recovery
Local and regional disaster planners and their partners should investigate the spatial datasets created and distributed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). read more...
U&CF Hashtags for Social Media
A preliminary list of social media hashtags suggested for urban and community forestry, interface forestry, and conservation education. read more...
From Forests to Table
Connecting Southeastern Forests to Local/Regional Food Systems
A Guide to Assessing Urban Forests
Urban forests provide numerous ecosystem services. To quantify these services and guide management to sustain these services for future generations, the structure or composition of the forest must be assessed. read more...
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