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Reaching out: developing a video script for natural resource managers to use with residents in the wildland-urban interface

Author: McDonell, L.
Date: 2004
Periodical: Gainesville, FL: University of Florida. 50 p. Technical report.
Abstract: Population growth and changing land use preferences in the southern United States are expanding the wildland-urban interface. The interface occurs where human development influences natural areas, impacts natural resources, and creates complex challenges for natural resource managers. Resource managers need new skills and interface resident cooperation in order to be able to respond to these challenges. The Wildland-Urban Interface Professional Development Program aims to provide managers with these skills. A video will be included to convey key concepts. This technical project includes the script, trainer instructions, discussion questions, and evaluation forms for the video. The video will serve both as an outreach tool for managers to use with interface residents and also as an introduction to interface issues for participants in the training program. The professional development program and video aim to improve environmental quality in the wildland-urban interface.
View: Reaching Out Technical Report Final.pdf

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