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Managing Urban Forest Fear and Vegetation: Alternatives to Clearing the Trees (08-99-50-G-22)

Grant Number

This project surveys and analyzes the safety concerns and vegetative/privacy needs of on-site visitors to a diversity of micro-site settings in urban forests/parks.

Urban forest settings that provide for public needs of vegetative naturalness and privacy are also settings rated high for public fear and safety concerns. Clearing native vegetation may address the fear/safety concerns of these settings, but it destroys the vegetative naturalness/privacy attributes of the settings. Urban forest settings that provide for public needs of vegetative naturalness and privacy are also settings rated high for public fear and safety concerns. Clearing native vegetation may address the fear/safety concerns of these settings, but it destroys the vegetative naturalness/privacy attributes of the settings. This project surveys and analyzes the fear/safety concerns and vegetative/privacy needs of on-site visitors to a diversity of micro-site settings in urban forests/parks, in order to provide alternative management techniques to vegetation clearing of natural/privacy settings with fear/safety concerns.

Hammitt, William
(864) 656-4849
Clemson University
Attn: Robert D. Bixier
Dept. of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism
Lehotsky Hall
Clemson, SC 29634
Total Project Cost
$ 80,446
Federal Share
$ 39,950
Grantee Share
$ 40,496
Year of Award
Year of Expiration
FS Manager
Ed Macie
USDA Forest Service
1720 Peachtree Road, N.W.
Atlanta, GA 30367
(404) 347-1347
Grant Categories
Research & Technology Development , None
Safety Issues
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