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Integrating Trees into Stormwater Management Design and Policy-A Guide for Local Decision Makers (15-DG-11132544-036)

Grant Number

Integrating Trees Into Stormwater Management Design and Policy – A Guide for Local Decision Makers will be a valuable resource for promoting, facilitating and increasing the use of trees for stormwater management.

OKI and its team of national partners will develop a guide that is applicable across the nation. OKI will identify the most practical solutions based on perspectives of local government in its tri-state region. Davey Resource Group will draw upon its vast knowledge and understanding of forests and green infrastructure to ensure that the Guide is scientifically sound and feasible. Virginia Tech will compile a national inventory of local government policies and incentives for integrating trees into stormwater management solutions. NARC will work with OKI and its other members to ensure the Guide’s applicability to other regions, with particular interest to ensure applicability for arid and tropical climates, and to promote it through NARC’s national membership.

Miller, T.
Ohio Kentucky Indiana Regional Council of Governments
720 E Pete Rose Way, Suite 420
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Total Project Cost
$ 392,540
Federal Share
$ 196,270
Grantee Share
$ 196,270
Year of Award
Year of Expiration
Grant Categories
Utilizing Green Infrastructure to Manage and Mitigate Stormwater to Improve Water Quality
Stormwater Management
Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana
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