Community Forestry CPR-Climate Prepardness and Response (09-DG-11062765-032)
King County, Washington, in partnership with the NWF, proposes to develop and implement the "Community Forestry CPR - Climate Preparedness and Response" program which will: 1) create tools and implement a model King County program to incentivize (through decreased property taxes) private landowners to maximize the climate change mitigation and adaptation value of their forests and 2) provide tools and guidance on best climate change related land management practices, especially for smaller land parcels. The proposal also addresses how the partners will adapt and disseminate the tools and model policy/program to other communities and individuals across the U.S. This project will result in a specific, quantified list of best land management practices to maximize climate benefits, a web based GIS tool to assess the potential and identify best practices for specific sites, and protocols to incorporate these actions into existing government incentive programs such as King County's Public Benefit Rating System Program. The tools and guidance that are generated by this program will also be directly usable by any interested landowner; the NWF will also provide outreach to many of these citizens through its membership and programs.
King County, Washington
201 S. Jackson St.
Seattle, WA 98104
$ 325,000
$ 150,000
$ 175,000
Trees and Climate Change, Innovation Grant
Climate Change