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Wildfire mitigation in Florida: land use planning strategies and best development practices

Author: Marynowski, S.
Date: 2004
Periodical: Jacksonville, FL: Drummond Press. 145 p.
Abstract: This guide is a manual for communities at risk of wildland fire. Wildfires have struck every county in Florida in recent years. As more people move to Florida and development expands into areas of natural vegetation, we are likely to see even more wildfires in areas with human development. Although most homes are not in high-risk areas, all Floridians can be impacted by the smoke, highway closures, and economic impacts of wildfire. Elected officials, planners, architects, landscapers, developers, and other community stakeholders have a huge role to play in protecting Florida homes and communities from the effects of wildfire. There are many ways to reduce the risk of wildfire. This guide identifies a number of wildfire mitigation strategies that communities have found helpful. Case studies, diagrams, and photographs are included to illustrate points made in each chapter.

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