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What will the wildlands be like in the year 2000: Future perfect or future imperfect?

Author: Rice, C.L.
Date: 1987
Periodical: Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-101. Berkeley, CA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station
Abstract: Profound changes have taken place in the western wildlands during the 20th century that will have great impact on land management policy and operations. Wildlands are being developed. Reduction of fire has altered plant species relationships in terms of dominance and density. The number of ignitions will continue to increase. The trends unchanged will result in greater resource damages. Little can be done to stem the tide o€ encroachment into the wildlands and its attendant increase in human caused fires. Land managers can restore the balance of plant species as well as fuel accumulation only with sweeping management activities. Land managers will need to develop a wide power base among the public so the needed programs will be funded.

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