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Watershed management and erosion control in urban/wildland interface areas

Author: Radtke, K.W.H.
Date: 1987
Periodical: In: Erosion Control: You're Gambling Without it: Proceedings of the 18th International Erosion Control Association Conference;1987 February 26-27;Reno, NV.
Abstract: The expansion of many cities into rural watershed areas without adequate grading ordinances, building codes, and management guidelines has been a design for predictable disasters and property losses by far exceeding the losses from wildland fires. In response to periodic disasters caused by urbanization of wildland watershed areas, public and private agencies have cooperated in providing more adequate guidelines for development in such areas and for assisting landowners with managing their property more effectively. More effective watershed management and erosion control guidelines, as discussed here, have become a key to living more safely and enjoyably in the wildlands of the Pacific Southwest.

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