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Use of the 1990 census to define wildland urban interface problems

Author: Davis, J.B.
Date: [N.d.]
Periodical: On file with: The Southern Center for Wildland-Urban Interface Research and Information, Bldg 164, Mowry Rd, Gainesville, FL 32611
Abstract: Predicting the movement of people into rural wildlands previously has been limited to studies of population and housing growth in counties or other large geographical areas. In these studies, the areas of high fire danger that contain dispersed rural housing cannot be distinguished from the areas less vulnerable to wildfire (small towns and adjacent urban areas) because the data and the analysis procedures associated with the 1980 census did not give sufficient information about rural and wildland areas. Analysts studying rural demographics supplement census data with information from such sources as local tax assessors' records or building permit files.

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