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Understanding the "urban" forest visitor

Author: Mastrantonio, J.L.
Date: 1991
Periodical: Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forestry Research West
Abstract: Southern California's four National Forests-the Cleveland, Angeles, Los Padres, and San Bernardino-are all considered by the USDA Forest Service to be "urban" National Forests. That is, they are less than an hour's drive from a population center of more than one million people. Together, these four forests offer one of the best opportunities in the country to study recreation at the wildland-urban interface. The research, begun in 1988 and carried out in cooperation with several land management agencies and cooperating Universities, focuses on the human quotient in forest recreation: how best to communicate with forest users, the causes and solutions to depreciative behaviors such as vandalism and littering, the ethics and values of visitors, and how people's behavior differs as a result of ethnic background.

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