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Trees in trouble at Lake Tahoe: An urbanizing forest with forestry problems

Author: Welch, Elisa M.
Date: 1997
Periodical: California Trees
Abstract: Imagine a visit to the Lake Tahoe Basin- a pristine mountain lake high in the Sierra. The landscape includes rugged, exposed peaks, smaller glacial lakes in the Desolation Wilderness, and a Jeffrey pine and white fir forest at lake level. But much of the once verdant, forest is now dominated by dead and dying trees. VVhat has happened to this gem of the eastern Sierra? The short answer is that the Basin has suffered the perils of urbanization. In recent decades, overcrowding and development have taken a toll on the Basin\'s soil, air, and watef quality. But while it\'s tempting to point an accusatory finger at modern developers- facilitators of a recent surge of urban sprawl- Tahoe\'s problems have been over a century in the making.

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