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There goes the neighborhood

Author: Montaigne, Fen
Date: 2000
Periodical: Audubon Magazine
Abstract: Americans are at last beginning to question what a half-century flood of suburban expansion has wrought. Distressed about traffic jams, deteriorating air quality, and the loss of forests and rural lands to cookie cutter suburbs, residents in places like Cherokee County are saying enough is enough and electing politicians who will heed their call. America is starting to witness "the beginning of the end of sprawl," says Christopher B. Leinberger, a nationally known developer and real estate consultant. "The American dream is once again changing," says Leinberger. "The aging baby boomers and the Gen X'ers want a different story," one that includes a return to city life and the construction of village-like, pedestrian-oriented developments with plenty of open land nearby.

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