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The Woods in Your Backyard: Learning to Create and Enhance Natural Areas around Your Home

Author: Kays, J; Drohan, J; Downing, A.; Finley, J. J
Date: 2006
Periodical: Ithaca, NY: Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service. 138 p.
Abstract: In the Eastern United States, roughly 60% of privately owned forestland is owned by landowners with parcels under 10 acres. Many landowners establish large lawns for aesthetic considerations, not understanding the impacts it has on wildlife, recreational opportunities, water quality, and the personal/family cost in time and money it takes to maintain this investment. This publication provides a common sense approach to managing existing natural areas and converting excessive lawn area to natural areas.The Woods in Your Backyard manual was created by forestry experts and extension educators as a resource for owners of 1-10 acres of land. The 138-page publication provides a step-by-step process that includes detailing objectives, drawing a map, inventory and planning activities, and includes a focus on converting lawns to forest. Case studies and a workbook help landowners through the steps.

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