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The Southern High-Resolution Modeling Consortium - a source for researach and operational collaboration

Author: Achtemeier, Gary L.; Goodrick, Scott L.; Liu, Yongqiang
Date: 2003
Periodical: In: Technical Program of the Joint 2nd International Wildland Fire Ecology and Fire Management Congress and 5th Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology; 2003 November 16-20; Orlando, FL
Abstract: The Southern High-Resolution Modeling Consortium (SHRMC) is one of five regional Fire Consortia for Advanced Modeling of Meteorology and Smoke (FCAMMS) consortia established as part of the National Fire Plan. FCAMMS involves research and development activities collaborating across all land management agencies, NOAA, NASA, and Universities. These activities will support fire fighters by developing and disseminating high-resolution fire weather, fire danger, fire behavior, and smoke management products. FCAMMS products will merge the latest science in weather forecasting and satellite observations with existing models and fire science to increase accuracy of information used by fire weather forecasters and fire intelligence officers to control wildfires more quickly and manage all fires more efficiently.

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