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The practice of sustainable development

Author: Porter, D.R.; Platt, R.H.; Leinberger, C. [and others]
Date: 2000
Periodical: Washington D.C.: Urban Land Insitute
Abstract: "Sustainable development"-a two-word phrase with a thousand meanings. "Sustainable" implies forever, perpetuity, constant rebirth and renewal, an inexhaustible system. "Development" connotes change, growth, expansion, production, movement. Both words speak of time, evolutionary processes, constructive adaptation. But each word modifies the other. Development, to be sustainable, must somehow incorporate renewal that ensures the continuity of matter, resources, populations, cultures. Sustainability, to incorporate development, must allow change and adaptation to new conditions. Today, the two ideas together speak of balancing economic and social forces against the environmental imperatives of resource conservation and renewal for the world of tomorrow.

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