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The federal government's role in major disasters: An overview of national, state and local government relationships

Author: Chappell, Gregg
Date: 1987
Periodical: In: Symposium and Workshop on Protecting People and Homes from Wildfire in the Interior West;1987 October 6-8; Missoula, MT.
Abstract: This presentation provides an overview of the role of the Federal government in major disasters, and the Federal, State and local relationships involved. It should be noted that Federal disaster assistance always is supplementary to the disaster relief efforts of the affected State and local government, and is limited to specific programs authorized by the Congress to assist individual and governmental needs not covered by insurance. Relating to the theme of Protecting Home from Wildfire in the Interior West it is recognized that there are important lessons to be learned from the past experience with disasters and submit that increased emphasis on the mitigation of both natural and man-made hazards can reduce future losses especially in an era of declining resources. Public education and awareness are keys to successful efforts to mitigate the susceptibility of all natural hazards.

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