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The ecology of natural disturbance and patch dynamics

Author: Pickett, S.T.A.; White, P.S.
Date: 1985
Periodical: Orlando: Academic Press, Inc. 472 p
Abstract: This book seeks to bring together the findings and ideas of workers studying such varied systems as marine invertebrate communities; grasslands; and boreal, temperate, and tropical forests. Our primary goal is to present a synthesis of diverse individual contributions. The book is divided into three main sections: (1) examples of patch dynamics in diverse systems; (2) adaptations of organisms and evolution of populations in patch dynamic environments; and (3) implications of patch dynamics for the organization of communities and the functioning of ecosystems. We feel this approach demonstrates the commonality of disturbance-generated phenomena over a wide range of scales and levels of organization and thus validates the broad applicability of the patch dynamic viewpoint. We seek to present clearly a framework that can stimulate the generation of explicit hypotheses and theory and thus form an alternative to equilibrium concepts of the evolution of populations, composition of communities, and functioning of ecosystems. We hope, in addition, that this volume will help identify areas of future research.

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