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The current status on the selection and management of vegetation for slow rate and overland flow application systems to treat municipal wastewater in the North Central region of the United States

Author: Brockway, D.G.; Burton, T.M.; Cooley, J.H. [and others]
Date: 1981
Periodical: BioCycle
Abstract: The 1977 Clean Water Amendments to Public Law 92-500 were enacted to strengthen the original policy of encouraging the utilization of innovative, alternative management techniques for the treatment and disposal of municipal wastewater. These alternative techniques include spray irrigation and overland flow land treatment systems which can be used individually or combined with lagoons. The lagoons serve as pre-treatment systems for settling, microbial degradation of BOD, and/or for storage during periods of cold or wet weather. The proper selection and management of vegetation is critical for the efficient renovation of municipal wastewater by slow rate, overland flow, or spray irrigation systems.

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