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The 200,000-acre solution: Supporting and enhancing a rural economy for Loudoun's 21st century

Author: Rural Economic Development Task Force
Date: 1998
Periodical: LEESburg, VA: Loudoun County Department of Economic Development
Abstract: Loudoun County's Comprehensive Plans long have encouraged the maintenance of a rural economy, concentrating on traditional agricultural pursuits, and consistently have stated as a goal the maintenance of Western Loudoun as a largely rural area. The extent to which the County's implementing ordinances and standards adequately advance these policies is, of necessity, a matter requiring in-depth analysis going well beyond the scope of the Rural Economic Development Task Force's efforts. Certain of the recommendations contained in this report, however, may require legislative action on either state or County levels, or both. The full nature and extent of such legislative action, where required, should be promptly addressed by the County. As a first order of business, the Task Force adopted as its goal the development of a plan to, at a minimum, double the value of Loudoun' s rural economy in a decade. Near the end of that decade-in 2007-we will observe a major anniversary for both Loudoun County (250") and for Virginia (400"). It seems wholly fitting that by 2007 we will have secured the rural economy as an important component of Loudourn's overall economic profile and assure its continuation. It is fully recognized that such a goal is highly aggressive, but the Task Force believes the rural economy to be so important to the overall future of Loudoun County that such aggressiveness is demanded.

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