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Teaching you about Forest Stewardship

Author: Penn State Cooperative Extension
Date: June 2011
Periodical: Forest Stewardship
Abstract: No one can argue that more and more land is being developed for urban and suburban residences, businesses, utilities, and other structures. There are simply less open places to play, fish, hike, and explore. Unplanned growth threatens our land resources, and proper management of our natural resources, particularly forests, is a pressing need as well. To establish a tradition of forest stewardship for future generations, it is important to involve young people and provide them with information and an awareness about responsible land management. This publication is intended for parents, educators, and other adults who are interested in teaching youth about forest stewardship. The goal is to empower all youth, regardless of whether they are voters, visitors, or landowners, to meet the challenge to sustain our future forests and pass these forests on to their children in better condition than they received them.
View: Forest Stewarship.pdf

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