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Sustainable management of non-timber forest resources

Author: Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
Date: 2001
Periodical: Convention on Biological Diversity Technical Series no. 6. Montreal. 30 p
Abstract: If policy on sustainable management of non-timber forest resources (NTFR) is to be implemented successfully, then recognition that there is no "one size fits all" policy is essential. Policies and their implementation practice have to be tailored to local ecological, economic, cultural and political circumstances. This complexity and the diversity of species used are added to by two other factors. Firstly, that the "catch-all" nature of the terms "non-timber forest resources" or "non-timber forest products" (NTFP), which refer to all natural resources from forests apart from sawn timber. Secondly, the fact that NTFR conservation and use sits at the confluence of at least probably more Articles of the CBD than probably any other component of natural resource use.

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