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Structural disturbances in rural communities: Some repercussions of the migration turnaround in Michigan

Author: Price, Michael L.; Clay, Daniel C.
Date: 1980
Periodical: Rural Sociology
Abstract: This paper explores the structural effects of the migration turnaround on the small towns and communities of rural America. It is hypothesized that the rapid immigration of urbanites may give rise to structural disturbances in the rural communities in which it occurs; institutional overload and cultural clash are the principal forms of community disturbances discussed. Perceptions of fundamental community problems were ascertained via questionnaires mailed to a sample of 21,792 Michigan households, randomly selected by counties. Findings from an ecological, county-level analysis show that the migration turnaround is linked to community problems, particularly in the areas of education, community solidarity, health care, social welfare, crime and public safety, and other municipal services. Concerning the employment situation, the postulate that job opportunities would be fewer in high growth areas is not supported.

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