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Site planning from a watershed perspective

Author: Phillips, Nancy J.; Lewis, Elizabeth T.
Date: 1995
Periodical: In: National Conference on Urban Runoff Management: Enhancing Urban Watershed Management at the Local, County, and State Levels; 1993 March 30- April 2; Chicago, IL. EPA/625/R-95/003. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Center for Environmental Research Information
Abstract: The site planning review process involves consideration of the impacts on water resources that can result from the proposed activity, Including changes In water quality and quantity. These changes can affect areas immediately adjacent to the site, as well as distant areas of the watershed. Therefore, site-specific and watershed Issues must be considered when developing solutions for proper management. An important first step in the process involves locating the project site within the watershed and becoming familiar with the watershed characteristics. Second, analysis of the Impact of site development on the resource areas within the watershed should be conducted so that management objectives can be identified. This aids in the Identification of best management practices that can meet management objectives for the site and the watershed.

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