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Sawmill Creek- one of Maryland's targeted watershed projects

Author: Lumbbers, L.
Date: 1994
Periodical: Land and Water
Abstract: Currently most management and regulatory strategies address environmental impacts of individual land use practices. This project-by-project approach developed at a time when human activities were far less significant in Maryland. The Governor's Chesapeake Bay Work Group has recognized that this approach is no longer adequate to protect or restore the Bay or its tributaries: as a result, the Targeted Watershed Project was created in order to develop, demonstrate and evaluate a coordinated approach to improving water quality and the habitat conditions for living resources. The four targeted watersheds (Bird River Piney/Alloway, German Branch, and Sawmill Creek) are stream basins that are either threatened by multiple sources of degradation from urbanization, or contribute a disproportionately high level of nutrients to the Chesapeake Bay from agriculture nonpoint sources. The watersheds are similar in size and small enough that measurable results are expected from the implementation of an array of nonpoint source pollution controls. This article will provide an overview of the restoration efforts in Sawmill Creek

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