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Running pure: the importance of forest protected areas to drinking water

Author: Dudley, Nigel; Stolton, Sue
Date: 2003
Periodical: Washington, DC: World Bank / WWF Alliance for Forest Conservation and Sustainable Use. 112 p
Abstract: This report looks at one particular link in the chain between rainfall and drinking water the role that forests can play in helping to provide clean water supplies to people living in the world's largest cities. This link is not simple. Forests and freshwater systems interact in many different ways: these relationships are complex and their precise nature and significance remains the subject of debate between hydrologists, natural resource economists and ecologists. We try to sort out the facts from the myths and to explain where uncertainties still exist. But we also go beyond the academic debates to look at how city dwellers are benefiting from water from forests and in some cases where failure to recognise the role that forests play in the hydrological cycle has led to problems downstream.

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