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Restoration of a severly impacted riparian wetland system - The Pen Branch Project

Author: Barton, Christopher; Nelson, Eric A.; Kolka, Randall K.; [and others]
Date: 2000
Periodical: Ecological Engineering
Abstract: Because of the operational design of the restoration project, a research program was developed to document ecosystem response. Information pertaining to the impact of disturbance and effects of restoration on Pen Branch were evaluated through studies that examined the following parameters: stream hydrology, seedling survival and competition, aquatic insect community dynamics, revegetation techniques, fish ecology and stream habitat, autotroph and macroinvertebrate characterization, organic matter decomposition and nutrient mineralization, and terrestrial vertebrate distribution. In most of these studies, measurements were made in both the restored system and in one or more minimally disturbed reference systems (Meyers Branch, Upper Three Runs Creek and Tinker Creek). Some studies also included control systems (Fourmile Creek and Steel Creek), which experienced a thermal impact similar to that of Pen Branch, but were hydrologically restored at an earlier date. Findings from many of these research efforts were presented at the Pen Branch workshop. The highlights and key points of the workshop are detailed in the following sections.

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