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Research challenges and opportunities to enhance ecological functions in forested wetlands

Author: Stanturf, John A.; Meadows, J. Steven
Date: 1994
Periodical: In: Roberts, Scott D.; Rathfon, Ronald A., eds. Management of forested wetland ecosystems in the central hardwood region: a regional ecosystem management workshop; 1994 October 11-13; Evansville, IN. Publ. No. FNR 151. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources
Abstract: Protecting wetland values and functions are important goals for forest managers. Value and function are easy terms to confuse, but they are not interchangeable. Societal values are directly and indirectly associated with ecological functions. For example, forested wetlands may suppress flooding downstream, which is a value. Floodplain forests store water, impede flows, and dampen flood peaks which are the underlying functions that create the conditions (flood suppression) that society values.

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