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Recreation options for your forestland

Author: Hubbard, Bill; Faircloth, Delaney; Long, Alan
Date: 1999
Periodical: Gainesville, FL: Florida Cooperative Extension Service; School of Forest Resources and Conservation; SS-FOR-4. 8 p
Abstract: These activities occur on both public and private lands. Public lands managed by the USDA Forest Service and Florida Division of Forestry operate under "multiple-use" principles where recreation is managed along with timber, wildlife, range, soil, water, cultural and environmental resources. On private lands, the owner has a similar opportunity to include recreational opportunities. In Florida especially, with increasing populations and interests in the outdoors, private forestland owners are in a good position to provide opportunities not only for their immediate families but others if so desired. Activities might include developing a trail through the property, or clearing an area next to a particularly scenic vista for camping or picnicking by family, friends, or others. Forest recreation, like timber or wildlife, has value. Forest recreation activities can be enjoyed solely by the landowner, or shared with others on a fee basis.

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