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Recent results from PB-Piedmont a model to simulate smoke on the ground at night

Author: Achtemeier, Gary L.
Date: 2003
Periodical: In: Technical Program of the Joint 2nd International Wildland Fire Ecology and Fire Management Congress and 5th Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology; 2003 November 16-20; Orlando, FL
Abstract: Simulating smoke movement at night is a complex, time-dependent problem. Wind shifts transport smoke to different locations at various times during the same night. Land management personnel charged with alerting the appropriate authorities of pending transportation hazards must know where and when smoke will arrive. PB-Piedmont (Achtemeier, 2001) was developed as an operational smoke model to model smoke on the terrain scales that the smoke “sees”. Smoke can move through shallow gaps in ridges and down road and stream cuts. Therefore, the mesh size for the model can be as small as 30 m, the minimum resolved grid distance in the digital elevation models (DEM) provided by the U.S. Geological Survey.

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