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Property, fire, and liability insurance

Author: Torres, Nayda I.; Mitchell, Vervil
Date: 1999
Periodical: Gainesville, FL: Florida Cooperative Extension Service; Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences FCS 7024. 7 p
Abstract: For the family's financial security, property, fire and liability insurance are important to guard against financial loss. All property that a person owns is subject to loss or damage by a variety of hazards. You own some type of property -- such as a car, household furnishings and personal items. As an owner of property, you have three alternatives: to assume whatever risks there are and accept the loss if some catastrophe occurs; to take steps to protect the property from loss; to transfer the risk to a professional carrier of risks by buying insurance that would reimburse you for loss. The choice you make could depend upon how great the risk of losing the property is, whether insurance will sufficiently cover the loss, and the insurance cost as compared to possible loss.

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