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Proceedings of a conference on sustainability of wetlands and water resources: how well can riverine wetlands continue to support society into the 21st century?

Author: Holland, M.M.; Warren, M.L.; Stanturf, J.A., eds.
Date: 2002
Periodical: Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-50. [Oxford, MS]: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 201 p.
Abstract: The conference focused on recent work in freshwater wetlands [both natural and constructed] with a view toward understanding wetland processes in a watershed context. Since humans have played important roles in watershed dynamics for years, attention was given to the human dimensions of wetland and watershed uses. Contributed sessions were organized on: biogeochemical cycling in wetlands; human health issues related to water; wetland restoration and reforestation; the role of wetlands in agricultural systems; wetlands and USA environmental law; chemical ecology and natural products from wetlands; water and wetlands in science education; and regional water strategies. The lead paper in the proceedings was prepared by conference plenary speaker Dr. Sandra Postel, director of the Global Water Policy Project in Amherst, MA. Examples and experiences from eight countries were shared during the conference, providing valuable global perspectives.

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