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Potential fire behavior in pine flatwood forests following three different fuel reduction techniques

Author: Brose, Patrick; Wade, Dale
Date: 2002
Periodical: Forest Ecology and Management
Abstract: A computer modeling study to determine the potential fire behavior in pine flatwood forests following three fuel hazard reduction treatments: herbicide, prescribed fire and thinning was conducted in Florida following the 1998 wildfire season. Prescribed fire provided immediate protection but this protection quickly disappeared as the rough recovered. Thinning had a similar effect on fireline intensity. Herbicides produced a dramatic decrease in fireline intensity from year 2 to 6 but had little effect on fire severity, thus increasing the likehood of root kill resulting in tree death if wildfire occurs during drought conditions. Treatment combinations, such as thinning and herbicide may provide immediate and long-term fireline intensity reductions as long as forest managers take into account each alternative's strengths and weaknesses.

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