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Non-timber forest products: the other forest products

Author: Chamberlain, J.L.; Bush, R.; Hammett, A.L.
Date: 1998
Periodical: Forest Products Journal
Abstract: There are a great variety of products harvested from forests in the United States that are not timber-based. While often overshadowed by timber products, non-timber forest products are receiving increased attention in the popular press, professional conferences, and state and federal policy dialogues. Major newspapers, including The New York Times (14), Wall Street Journal (26), and San Francisco Examiner (37), have presented analyses of these “other” forest products. Recently, at least five major meetings have been organized to examine issues that affect these lesser-known forest products. Non-timber forest products were included in the discussions of many statewide forestry roundtables, held in preparation for the 1996 Seventh American Forest Congress. In February of this year, Senator Larry Craig of Idaho and other members of the U.S. Congressional Subcommittee on Forestry and Public Land Management convened a hearing in Washington, D.C., to explore opportunities and constraints of increased harvesting of non-timber forest products on National Forest lands in the Pacific Northwest.

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