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No herbicide residues found in smoke from prescribed fires

Author: McMahon, Charles K.; Bush, P. B.
Date: 1991
Periodical: Management Bulletin R8-MB-56. Atlanta, GA: USDA Forest Service, Southern Region. 2 p
Abstract: Some concerns have been expressed by workers conducting prescribed burns on forest lands treated with herbicides.The major concern has based on speculation that hazardous levels of airborne herbicide residues may be present in the smoke near breathing zones of forest workers. Much of this speculation is based on fire hazard caution statements found on product labels and material safety-data sheets.While these cautions are appropriate in connection fires near herbicide storage sites, they were not intended to apply to fires following application on forest sites. In these cases, on a given acre, only a few ounces or pounds are spread over several tons of ground litter and forest vegetation, which becomes the dominant fuel for the prescribed fire.

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