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Modeling landscape permeability for the Northern Red-legged Frog in an urban-wildland landscape matrix

Author: Molly Mathias
Date: April 10, 2007
Periodical: Emerging Issues Along Urban-Rural Interfaces II Conference
Abstract: Urban development is occurring rapidly worldwide, necessitating conservation models which identify indicators for planning practitioners to use in local land use decisions in order to minimize species loss. This study will assess landscape permeability for the Northern Red-legged Frog (Rana aurora) in an urban-wildland landscape matrix in King County, Washington. Rana aurora is a Pacific Northwest endemic amphibian that requires a relatively large area of aquatic and terrestrial habitat for annual migration and dispersal. The current wetland protection for R. aurora in King County, WA does not protect adequate upland habitat to provide for annual migration and dispersal to maintain long-term population persistence.

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