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Living more safely in the chaparral-urban interface

Author: Radtke, Klaus W. H.
Date: 1983
Periodical: Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-67. Berkley, CA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station
Abstract: Urban encroachment into chaparral areas has accelerated the fire-flood-erosion cycle. Preventive maintenance measures can help reduce the damage from fire and flood. This report describes the chaparral environment; how to cope with problems in watershed management, how to landscape for fire and soil erosion control, how to plan for home safety from fire, how to treat newly burned chaparral slopes, how to clear brush around homes; and what to do when caught in a wildfire. The information reported is addressed to homeowners, buyers, and developers; and architects, planners, and other officials in municipalities and agencies.

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