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Landscape units of Puerto Rico: Influence of climate, substrate, and topography

Author: William A. Gould, Michael E. Jimenez, Gary Potts, Maya Quinones, and Sebastian Martinuzzi
Date: 2008
Periodical: US Department of Agriculture Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry
Abstract: The enclosed map was developed by the Puerto Rico Gap Analysis Project (PRGAP) and displays variation in the landscape related to climate, substrate, and topography. We have defined a set of 57 distinct landscape units by integrating six climatic zones (Holdridge lifezones), six geologic substrates, and five topographic positions. The map was developed for the purpose of understanding and modeling variation in vegetation. The map presents a set of ecologically distinct units and can serve as a tool for stratifying the landscape for assessing variation in ecosystem attributes and services.

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