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Land Use Change and Human Health

Author: Jonathan A. Patz and Douglas E. Norris
Date: 2004
Abstract: Disease emergence events have been documented following several types of land use change. This chapter reviews several health-relevant land use changes recognized today, including 1) urbanization and urban sprawl; 2) water projects and agricultural development; 3) road construction and deforestation in the tropics; and 4) regeneration of temperate forests. Because habitat or climatic change substantially affects intermediate invertebrate hots involved in many prevalent diseases, this chapter provides a basic description of vector-borne disease biology as a foundation for analyzing the effects of land use change. Urban sprawl poses health challenges stemming from heat waves exacerbated by the "urban heat island" effect, as well as from water contamination due to expanses of impervious road and concrete surfaces. Dams, irrigation and agricultural development have long be associated with diseases such as schistosomiasis and filariasis. Better management methods are required to address the trade-offs between expanded food production and altered habitats promoting deadly diseases. Deforestation can increase the nature and number of breeding sites for vector-borne diseases, such as malaria and onchocerciasis. Human host and disease vector interaction futher increases risk, as can a change in arthropod-vector species composition.
View: Land use change and human health - Patz2004GMS.pdf

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