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Interaction of land use and forest island dynamics in central New York

Author: Zipperer, W.C.; Burgess, R.L.; Nyland, R.D.
Date: 1989
Periodical: In: Healthy Forests, Healthy World: Proceedings of the Society of American Foresters National Convention, Landscape Ecology Symposium; 1988 October 18; Rochester, NY.
Abstract: Within man-dominated landscapes, forest islands often play a critical role in maintaining biological diversity across regions. How these forest islands change in density and size over time is important in understanding the effects of isolation and size on-this diversity.. To detail forest island dynamics, we identified the individual landscape types within central New York, and examined the processes of deforestation and reforestation with respect to landscape types. During the 40-yr study period, forest islands were fragmented by transportation systems and rights-of-way, were eliminated through urban and agricultural practices, emerged from previously cleared agricultural and urban lands, or were consolidated into larger islands. The frequency of these processes differed among landscape types.

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