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Integrated planning for wetland restoration and mitigation

Author: Hruby, Thomas; Scuderi, Michael
Date: 1995
Periodical: Restoration and Management Notes
Abstract: A Special Area Management Plan (SAMP) is now being developed by resource agencies, local governments, and interested citizens to address this issue. Two goals of the SAMP are to ensure that the performance of wetland functions and their societal values continue to be equal to or greater than those currently existing in the Mill Creek Basin, and to allow continued growth and expansion within the basin to ensure economic vitality. Since most undeveloped land on the valley floor is wetland, such goals can be met only if wetlands not affected by development can be restored or enhanced to improve their functioning. A comprehensive enhancement/restoration plan is being developed as part of he SAMP to guide mitigation actions in the basin. The goal is to establish an interconnected system of wetlands and adjacent transitional uplands centered on Mill Creek to improve existing fish and wildlife habitat and maintain the water-quality improvement functions of the existing wetlands. Another goal is to maintain or increase the flood-storage capacity in the basin.

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