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Income opportunities in special forest products: self-help suggestions for rural entrepreneurs

Author: Thomas, M.G.; Schumann, D.R.
Date: 1993
Periodical: In: Kays, J.S.; Goff, G.R.; Smallidge, P.J. [and others], eds. Proceedings and invited papers: Natural resources income opportunities on private lands conference. College Park, MD: University of Maryland Cooperative Extension Service.
Abstract: The types of special forest products discussed in this publication include aromatics; berries and wild fruits; charcoal; chips, shavings, excelsior, sawdust, bark, and pine straw; cones and seeds; cooking wood, smoke wood, and flavorwood; decorative wood; forest botanicals as flavorings, medicinals, and pharmaceuticals; greenery and other floral products; honey; mushrooms; nuts; recreation and wildlife; specialty wood products; syrup; and weaving and dyeing materials. Each chapter includes a brief description of products and services, market and competition considerations, distribution and packaging, equipment needs, resource conservation considerations, and a profile of a rural business marketing the products. In general, products suitable for very mall (one- to two-person) or part-time operations were the types selected for discussion in the text. A suggested role for each type of microenterprise within a broader rural economic development framework is also mentioned. Each chapter concludes with an appendix that presents contributors and additional resources for use in exploring each alternative.

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