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Impacts of land use changes on recreation and open space in the New York-New Jersey Highlands Region

Author: Dawson, C.P.; Zipperer, W.C.
Date: 1992
Periodical: In: Symposium on Social Aspects and Recreation Research; 1992 February 19-22; Ontario, CA. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-132. U.S. Department of Agriculture; Forest Service
Abstract: The more than 1 million acre New York-New Jersey Highlands Region is a unique forested and rural landscape at the urban/ wildland interface with the New York-New Jersey Metropolitan area where over 18 million people reside. Conversion of land to residential and urban uses, parcellation of lands, fragmentation of forest cover, and increasing demand for recreational activities threaten to significantly alter the open space and forest-wildland landscape. Projections of changes to the year 2010 suggest that more comprehensive planning strategies are needed.

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