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Human dimensions of the urban forest in small city business settings

Author: Wolf, K. L.
Date: 2002
Periodical: In: Forestry at the great divide: Proceedings fo the 2001 national conference. Washington D.C.: Society of American Foresters
Abstract: Small city central business districts undergoing revitalization must carefully weigh their choices for improvements, given limited resources. One option, an urban forest and streetscape program, should include planning for both tree and human factors. This qualitative research specifies the human dynamics of successful programs. Forest professionals assisting communities should consider civic process as well as arboricultural choices and practices. Planning, implementation and ongoing maintenance strategies often involve public and private partnerships. Each program contributor has different capacities for tree installation and care. Appropriate technical choices must be accompanied by personal commitment. Finally, implementation of the tree program must acknowledge the needs of all interests in the district.

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