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How trees grow in the urban environment

Author: Duryea, Mary L.; Malavasi, Marlene M.
Date: 1998
Periodical: School of Forest Resources and Conservation. Circular 1093. Gainesville, FL: Florida Cooperative Extension Service. 9 p
Abstract: Trees grow in response to their environment and their genetic make-up. Environmental factors such as high temperature or soil compaction can influence physiological processes such as photosynthesis and in turn impact growth. Meristems are the areas within the tree where growth occurs. Most trees grow in shoot height and diameter and root length and diameter. Palms, however, have only one growing tip and do not grow in diameter. A tree's form is controlled by branch orientation and by the amount of apical dominance. Altering the environment or management practices to decrease stress, and selecting the right tree for the right place will promote growth and longevity.

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