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How to communicate about the wildland residential fire problem with homeowners

Author: Hodgson, Ron
Date: 1987
Periodical: In: Symposium and Workshop on Protecting People and Homes from Wildfire in the Interior West; 1987 October 6-8; Missoula, MT. Notes form Workshop No. 3
Abstract: The most important result of this workshop was the insight gained into the kinds of things that might prevent effective communication between homeowners and the fire services and those that might make it easier, if taken advantage of. The summary will, we hope, be used by researchers to identify areas where we need to know more and by managers to establish communication goals and objectives. Groups of workshop participants have considered characteristics of the fire services, homeowners, and the fire safe practices themselves. The situation faced by homeowners and the fire services before, during, and after the fire were evaluated to specifically suggest communication opportunities and difficulties.

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