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History, evolution, and organization of vegetation and human culture

Author: Delcourt, Paul A.; Delcourt, Hazel R.; Morse, Dan F.; Morse, Phyllis A.
Date: 1993
Periodical: In: Martin, W.H.; Boyce, S.G.; Echternacht, A.C., eds. Biodiversity of the southeastern United States: lowland terrestrial communities. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Abstract: In this chapter, we review the history of the major biotic communities of the southeastern United States. This chapter provides a contemporary viewpoint concerning the fundamental processes that have influenced biotic changes in the Southeast on both evolutionary and ecological time scales, including the roles of plate tectonics, climatic and geomorphic changes, and anthropogenic activities. This chapter thus gives a background in long-term community and landscape development that serves as a point of departure for subsequent chapters dealing with specific vegetation regions, their presettlement and modern biotic communities, and the future management of their landscapes.

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