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Fuel modification plan guidelines for projects located in Fire Zone 4 or Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones

Author: County of Los Angeles Fire Department
Date: 1998
Periodical: Los Angeles, CA: County of Los Angeles Fire Department, Prevention Bureau, Forestry Division, Brush Clearance Section. 28 p.
Abstract: Following the disastrous Southern California wildfires in 1993, the Board of Supervisors established the Wildfire Safety Panel to analyze and make recommendations on the hazardous conditions that existed for wildfires in the wildland and urban interface/intermix areas of Los Angeles County. One of the recommendations adopted by the Wildfire Safety Panel was for the Fire Department to establish a set of guidelines and landscape criteria for all new construction that would implement ordinances relating to fuel modification planning and help reduce the threat of fires in high hazard areas. The “Fuel Modification Guidelines” herein are administrative in nature and have been adopted by the County of Los Angeles Fire Department to provide procedural implementation of County Fire Code requirements previously adopted by the Board of Supervisors and already in effect for a Fuel Modification Plan for projects and/or structures proposed within the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone(s) or Fire Zone 4.

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