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Forestry serving urbanized societies: Selected papers from the conference

Author: Konijnendijk, C.C.; Schipperijn, J.; Hoyer, K.K., eds
Date: 2004
Periodical: Vienna: International Union of Forest Research Organizations. 406 p.
Abstract: Continuing urbanisation is one of the main factors influencing use and management of urban and to a certain extent rural landscapes today. Presently, more than half of the world’s dwellers live in urban areas. As a result of urbanisation, attention towards the role of forests, parks, trees and other greenspace in contributing to sustainable and liveable cities and towns has increased. The expanding body of scientific literature on urban green resources, their current and potential functions, their appreciation by urban dwellers, and how to plan, design, establish, conserve and manage them, testifies of this growing awareness. Urbanisation has also led to a blurring between urban and rural areas, and a need to go beyond traditional land-use and planning boundaries. The urban-rural divide, policy-makers are stressing, today is not more than an artificial and counterproductive distinction. In order to develop sustainable natural resource management for urbanising societies, more integrative approaches are needed that recognise the influence of urbanisation on forests and other green areas at large.

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