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Forest-land ownership patterns

Author: Zipperer, Wayne C.; Birch, T.W.
Date: 1993
Periodical: In: Neville, L.R.; Zipperer, W.C., tech. coord. New York-New Jersey Highlands Regional Study: Analysis of Selected Resources. NA-TP-04-93. Radnor, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Area State and Private
Abstract: Analysis of forest-land owners within the Highlands Regional Study Area identified several important changes in ownership patterns. First, more people currently own forest land than ever before. This trend will increase with time causing further parcelization. Second, retirees represent a major portion of forest-land owners, and retiree ownership will increase as the baby-boom generation moves toward retirement. Third, more people are living on, or closer to, their forest tracts than previously observed. Fourth, more people reared in small cities or towns are purchasing forest parcels. Fifth, more owners intend to harvest timber products than before. Because more people will be moving into the region and purchasing forest land, forested areas will contain higher densities of people than previously observed in the region.

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