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Forest fragmentation of southern U.S. bottomland hardwoods

Author: Rudis, Victor A.
Date: 1992
Periodical: In: Proceedings of the seventh bienneal southern silvicultural research conference; 1992 November 17-19; Mobile, AL. New Orleans: Southern Forest Experiment Station
Abstract: The magnitude and character of forest fragmentation are evaluated for bottomland hardwoods in the southern United States.Fragment size class is significantly associated with the frequency of bottomland hardwood species, stand size and ownership classes, and land use attributes.Differences in the frequency of indicators of multiple values are apparent.Two diverse hypotheses are suggested for further study:(1) fragmentation favors drier over wetter bottomland hardwood community types and (2) fragmentation shifts bottomland hardwood communities toward a younger successional stage and species typical of drier habitats.Data from recent South Central States forest surveys are used.Recent area changes suggest fragments are becoming smaller in selected regions.

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